So it is the end of April...and it uh was SNOWING TODAY. I've about had it with "whimpy spring" and "Mr. Strong winter". My poor tulips are swaying in the 32' weather...
I decided to come inside and put my hoe and gloves aside and do fun stuff. ANd try to remember that the fun outside will come one of these days.

I am not ashamed to say that I love my
Living Magazine. When it comes, I just get a little thrill. I know that the pages are fresh and new and smell good. I know there will be glossy photographs of food I would rarely try. But I also know that reading it gives my creative juices a jump and my mind gets to going...LOVE THAT.
So when I saw this months issue with the poppies on it...I was THRILLED. I LOVE poppies! Okay, there is really no flower out there that I DON'T love. But right now, I love poppies.

Off I went to get some red silk so I could make one...

and I wore it on Easter Sunday. I don't really care if it is as big as a salad plate....I am so over being cool. I wore it because I think it is really pretty.
Oooo, that is cute! Again, I am in awe of your creative abilities!