Friday, September 16, 2011

Pillows plus one

here is my newest one. I found one I liked from the Pottery barn website that said "Nest" and beings I had already done a clock with that same motif, I settled on "Home" instead. I just free-handed painting this one...I did take lettering in college, (thanks mom and dad). The color is closer to reality in the second shot.

had a great time with the pompoms....they don't show up on the bench really well, but I like em...

I think I have room for one more pillow on this bench. Then onto other stuff. More fun stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I think it looks wonderful! Free-hand writing - I could never do it, I'm so impressed. Your pillow caught my eye when I was posting on the Sunday Showcase Party. I am 'following'!
