Saturday, December 14, 2013

the twelve hundred projects of Christmas..

So I decided that I needed to update this place for all my readers out there...all 29 of you!  If any of you know me, I am always thinking of the next project.  And gathering stuff for it is the WAY FUN bear with me my people...this post is a lonnnnnnnnngggggggg one!

Had an old sweater laying around needing to be a FOX, cuz "WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY" anyway??

 Just love these gnomes from last year and to lead the way...and the "Tompte" that Debra made me.

My newest nativity that I placed inside a childrens bible....

two new garlands for my lamp posts outside that are now covered in FROST and SNOW...

Look close there is a little gnome in there...and these  cloches are made from dollar store plastic goblets!

Such a fun way to make a little scene....cloroxing trees and putting pink fur muffs on little girls....

and there is BABY Evie all wrapped in pink fur!!

My daughter Alicia (my #1 fan) made me this lovely garland that matches last years wreath!!

just the flyer that I sent out with my class order....

Pink trees to go with my pink "PUTZ VILLAGE" that I started last year and am finishing up.  Pics to follow...
So there are more projects to come and I will endeavor to get them posted soon....meanwhile I will be gathering and glueing and not sleeping....


  1. You do classes!? I want to come! You are in Utah right?

    1. I am....South close???!

    2. I live in Syracuse. But, I travel down to Herriman often to visit my pal. When are your classes?

    3. Hello Erin,
      I didn't realize you were living in my neck of the to speak! I do classes for every season and I just sent out an email for my January-February idea. Here is my email so you can send me yours and I can send you a flyer. Remember if you aren't interested in this one, it won't offend me and maybe next time you will! You sure have a cute family and I love that you love to sew for them! Take care, Alane
