Nevertheless. I like that word. It sounds daring and cheeky. (Another word I LOVE-especially because my little redheaded girl loved using it...and it described her exactly!) Anyway, I digress...that is a word that describes me...I digress from things I am SUPPOSED to be doing. Like laundry and commissions. BAH.
But I decided that I needed to make these flowers-for someone to receive that might need them not to wilt and die and have to be thrown out. Hope so.
And these colors reminded me that I love, absolutely love ROSES. And I am trying to patiently wait until we can put in our new rose bed in the corner of my yard. In WA I had over 55 rose bushes and I miss them. So what can a gardener do put plant them again?
So I followed a tut that had me roll them onto tape but soon I found my cooler melt glue gun to work faster and better and I could fold and roll and gather pretty darn fast.
I also went to DI and got a really ugly vase and repainted it. AND I forgot to take a before pic...but believe me, it was a real UGLY brown and orange thingy. Yes, a bit of green glass paint and antique and spray and it can be used. GREAT DEAL VASE..2 bucks.

ReplyDeleteThese came out amazing. Wow.! I'm so stinkin amazed. So glad my tutorial came in handy, but honestly, these look better than mine came out. Dang, girl, you know how to get down.